3 sent to jail for killing priest

BSS, Panchagarh :
The number of arrested persons sent to jail rose to three in connection with Priest Jogeswar Chandra Roy killing case after a Panchagarh court yesterday sent arrested Jahangir Hossain to the jail.
Learned Judge BM Tarikul Islam of the Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate Court of Panchagarh delivered the order for sending Jahangir to jail after Investigation Officer (IO) Inspector Aiyub Ali produced him before the court yesterday.
On March 1 last, JMB cadre Alamgir Hossain
gave confessional statement about his involvement with killing of the Priest before the learned Judge Marjia Khatun of Senior Judicial Magistrate Court-2 of Panchagarh when he was sent to jail.
The same court sent arrested Khalilur Rahman to jail on March 3 after the IO produced him before it stating that police has already got necessary information from him in connections with the two cases filed with Debiganj Thana.
Till yesterday, three out of six arrested persons, who are the cadres of banned militant outfit Jama’atul Mujahedeen Bangladesh (JMB), have been sent to the jail after interrogation under police remand in connections with the priest killing case.