3 schoolgirls raped after abduction


Our Correspondent :
Some unidentified miscreants raped allegedly four nine grader girls after abduction when the victims were returning home after a visit to a nearby forest in Ghatail upazila of Tangail district on Sunday evening.

Members of an organized trafficking gang abducted the four girl students who went to visit Satkoa forest along with their two male friends in the afternoon. At one stage, the miscreants abducted the girls and phoned their families demanding ransom, reports our Ghatail Correspondent quoting police and family members of the victims.
As the families did not agree to pay ransom, they allegedly raped the girls.
Later, the girls took shelter at the house of a local resident until the police rescued them around midnight.
However, the two male friends, who were along with the girls, have been traced from the forest after passing more than six hours.
A father of one of the female victims filed a case accusing five to seven unidentified persons on charge of gang rape.
“A case over abduction and rape has been filed. The four schoolgirls have been sent to the Tangail General Hospital for medical test,” said Maksudul Alam, Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Ghatail Police Station.
“In the mean time we have arrested two persons for their suspected involvement with the incident,” the OC said, “We are trying to nab the perpetrators.”
