Loan case: 3 PBL officials, borrower face legal action

UNB, Dhaka :
The Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) is going to file a case against four people, including three officials of Pubali Bank, on charge of irregularities in a loan account that cost the bank Tk 10 lakh..
The Commission at its regular meeting on Wednesday gave the approval of filing the case against them, ACC Public Relations Officer Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya told the UNB.
The case will be filed soon against Pubali Bank Senior Principal Officers Nurul Islam and M Ayub Nabi, former Manager of Chwakbazar Branch Hasan Ali and Nasir Uddin of city’s Mirpur.
According to the ACC’s probe report, Nasir Uddin was sanctioned a loan by Pubanli Bank’s Chwakbazar Branch in 2005, but the borrower deposited fake documents. On he other hand, the bank officials did not examine the documents properly before disbursement of the loan.
ACC Deputy Assistant Director AKM Fazle Hossain investigated the loan scam.