3 new patients detected: DGHS

Staff Reporter :
Three new persons have been found infected with the coronavirus, raising the total number of confirmed cases to 20 in Bangladesh, said Professor Dr. Nasima Sultana, Additional Director General of Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS).
“They are one woman aged 30 and two men aged 30 and 70 years,” said Nasima Sultana in a press briefing in the office of Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) on Friday.
Among the three, one has returned from Italy recently and the two others came in contact with Italy returnee persons.
“The 70-year-old man is now in a critical condition and admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU). He was infected after coming in contact with a person who returned from abroad recently,” Dr. Nasima said.
The three members are of separate families. Of them, one is an Italy returnee, she added.
So far, a total of 44 people have been kept in institutionalized quarantine while 30 are kept in hospitals isolation.
While briefing the reporters, the DGHS official urged the people to follow the instructions of World Health Organization (WHO) to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
She urged the returnees from foreign countries to be quarantined to prevent the spread of the virus.