3 minors drown in Brahmanbaria

UNB, Brahmanbaria :
Three minors died in two separate drowning incidents in Bijoynagar and Nasirnagar upazila on Tuesday.
The deceased were identified as Zannat,7, daughter of Mizan Mia of Chatur village in Bijoynagar upazila and Sharmin,8, daughter of Motaleb Mia hailing from Noorpur village of the same upazila while the other as Dihan, 4, son of Manu Mia of Guniauk village in Nasirnagar upazila.
Locals said, the two minor girls-Zannat and Sharmin were playing on the bank of the Khaliajuria river beside Zannat’s house in the afternoon.
All of a sudden, Sharmin fell into the water body around 5:30pm. Seeing her playmate going down the water, Zannat also dived into the water and drowned as well.