3 minor Madrasa students found dead inside Imam’s room


Chandpur Correspondent :
Three boys were found dead in Imam’s room adjacent to a mosque in Matlab Dakkhin Upazila of Chandpur on Friday.
The deceased were identified as Abdullah Al Noman, 10, son of Purbokaladi Jam’e Masjid’s Imam Maulana Jamal Uddin, Ibrahim, 10 of Bhangarpar village, and Rifat, 8, son of Jasim Uddin of Nalua village.
All of them were students of Bhangarpar Madrasa.
Quoting the Imam, Zihadul Kabir, Superintendent of Police (SP) in Chandpur, said that Maulana Jamal saw Ibrahim and Rifat entering his room after he left his six-year-old son in the room around 12:00 noon just before Juma prayers.
After the prayers, Maulana Jamal returned and found the door of his room locked from inside, the SP said.
Later, locals broke into the room and saw the children were lying on the floor. They later took them to Matlab Dakkhin Upazila Health Complex.
 “The bodies did not have any injury mark. The cause of death could be known after autopsy,” Nothing could be said before autopsy, SP Zihadul Kabir said.
He said, police are interrogating the Imam.
