3 members of fake currency gang held

Chittagong Bureau :
Police arrested three alleged members of currency forgery gang including two women from city’s Tulatoli and Pahartoli Green View areas early Saturday.
The arrestees are Tajuddin Masud, 25, son of Jamal Uddin, a resident of Modhuai village of Feni Sadar upazila, Swapna Begum, 25, wife of Tajdddin and Shahnaj Akter, 20. Police arrested Tajuddin from Tulatoli area around 12pm and recovered 10 counterfeit notes of Tk 1,000 denomination each from his possession. Later, police conducted a drive in his house at Pahartoli area and recovered 70 fake notes of Tk 1,000 denomination. They also detained Swapna and Shahnaj from the house. The arrestees in preliminary interrogation, confessed that they had long been involved in collecting the counterfeit notes. A case was filed in this connection.
2 held with arms
Kotwali thana police rounded up two persons alongwith one foreign made pistol and 6 rounds bullets from city area on Saturday evening. These arms traders were held from Avoymitra ghat area of Feringhee bazaar in city . The detained identified as Noman and Jasimuddin. Officer incharge of Kotwali thana Jasimuddin told that following the altercation with a grill workshop owner of Feringhee bazaar , Noman and Jasim shoot at grill workshop owner Moshraf Hossain leaves head injury of Mosharaf. Sensing the news of shoot out in the area, the locals rushed to the spot and rounded up Noman and Jasim who later handed over to police, sources said.