Overloading with Eid passengers: 3 launches fined , 2 route permits cancelled

BARISAL: An overloaded launch with Eid passengers on Barisal -Dhaka route on Sunday.
BARISAL: An overloaded launch with Eid passengers on Barisal -Dhaka route on Sunday.

Barisal Correspondent :
Three launches were fined and route permit of two launches cancelled in Barisal for overloading with Eid passengers on Sunday morning.
 BIWTA sources said , triple-deck MV Sundarban-2 with 712 passenger carrying capacity was fined for over loading by mobile court and some passengers were forced to evacuate at Jhalakathi Port.
But the vessel with more than three thousand again loaded more passengers from Barisal station and ignoring the order of the authourity left Barisal port.
Then Barisal port authority decided to cancel the route permit and informed Dhaka port authority to detain the vessel on Sunday morning, said Md. Shahidullah, deputy director Bangladesh Inland water Transport Authourity and Barisal port officer.
Another triple-deck vessel of the same company MV Sundarban-7 also fined Tk 10,000 for overloaded with Eid passengers on Barisal-Dhaka route on Saturday night, he added.
On other hand MV Pubali-7 with 644 -passenger carrying capacity loaded more than 2,500 passengers with huge goods and advanced to wards destination in critically tilting condition.
This news spread through written status on facebook by a passenger on board of the vessel and panic created in Barisal on Saturday night.
Barisal port authourity then chased the launch when it was crossing Barisal station without touching the port.
The vessel was forced back to Barisal port and authority detained the launch and evacuated the passengers to save lives ignoring their protest demanding continuing journey.
Then most of the passengers left Barisal port by alternative transports and the launch detained at the port-side on Sunday morning after the authourity decided to cancel the route permit of this vessel, the Barisal port officer told.
