3 killed in ‘gunfights’

Staff Reporter :
Three persons were killed in “gunfights” with Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) in Dhaka and Cox’s Bazar districts early Monday.
The deceased are: Abdur Rahman, 42, Umar Faruq, 31, and Sumon.
In Cox’s Bazar, two suspected drug dealers were killed in a reported gunfight with RAB-2 in Cox’s Bazar’s Teknaf upazila.
RAB-2 Company Commander Mohiuddin Faruk said, “Recently, we recovered drugs and also arrested a number of drug peddlers in Dhaka’s Dhanmondi area.”
Based on their information, we set up two temporary check posts in Teknaf Marine Drive Road around 4:00am, adjacent to the district’s Baharchhara area in order to catch their associates. This morning, a private car going away from the check post, disobeying the signal to stop.”  
He said, “We chased the car, until it crashed into one of the milestones. The perpetrators opened fire at us, forcing us to fire back in self defence that left two of the drug peddlers injured. Later, they were declared dead when taken to Cox’s Bazar Sadar Hospital.”
Commander Mohiuddin added, “While sweeping the scene, we recovered 300
bottles of phensedyl, 4,000 pieces of Yaba pills, one gun and four bullets. We also seized the car which was being used by the drug peddlers.
RAB-15 Teknaf Camp In-Charge Lieutenant Mirza Shahed Mahtab said, “The bodies are now kept at the hospital for autopsy. The RAB official said that they were accused in 18 cases.
In Dhaka, a suspected gun trader named Sumon was killed in the reported gunfight with RAB 2 in Dhaka’s Hazaribagh area.
RAB-2 Commanding Officer Lieutenant Colonel Ashique Billah said that based on information given by an arrestee named Rubel, the elite force conducted a drive to seize gun from Sumon.
“When we reached near Shikder Medical College, Sumon opened fire at us. In retaliation, we fired back that left Sumon dead,” he said. Terming Sumon to be a gun dealer, the RAB official said they also recovered a foreign-made gun from the spot.