3 DU teachers sacked for irregularities

DU Correspondent :
The Dhaka University authorities sacked three of its faculty members for not joining their respective departments after vacation and their absence from academic activities.
The three are Lecturer Biplab Kumar Dutta of Development Studies Department, Lecturer Obhishek Zaman of Gene Engineering and Biotechnology Department and Assistant Professor Muhammad Azher Zafer Shah of International Relations Department.
The decision was taken on Wednesday night in a syndicate meeting, highest

decision making body of the university chaired by Vice-Chancellor Professor Akhtaruzzaman, confirmed a syndicate member and Dhaka University Teachers’ Association President Professor ASM Maksud Kamal.
Among the teachers, Biplab Kumar Dutta and Obhishek Zaman were fired for not joining their respective departments after finishing their education leave.
They were also asked to return the financial benefits they had taken from the university, Professor Kamal said.
On the other hand, Muhammad Azher Zafer Shah was sacked for his absence from academic activities, he added.
