3-day transport strike kicks off in Sylhet

Sylhet Bureau :
A three-day transport strike enforced by Truck-Pickup-Covered Van Owners’ Oikkya Parishad, Sylhet division, starts in Sylhet from Tuesday morning.
Leaders of TPCVOOP called the strike demanding reopening of stone-quarries of Sylhet.
Other organisations involved with the transport in Sylhet have also expressed their solidarity with the transport strike.
As a result, movement of all sort of transport including the long-distance buses will remain suspended from Tuesday to Thursday. The movement of interdistrict buses will also remain suspended.
Leaders of TPCVOOP attended a meeting with Deputy Commissioner of Sylhet M. Kazi Emdadul Islam and other high-ups of the district administration on Monday afternoon. After the end of the meeting last night, President of Truck-Pickup-Covered Van Owners’ Oikkya Parishad of Sylhet division and President of Sylhet district Truck Owners’ Group Golam Hadi Saiful informed the meeting resulted in failure that is why the three-day-long transport strike will continue.
Selim Ahmed Folic, President of Sylhet district Transport Labourers’ Union informed, they were also declaring support to the strike called to reopen stone-quarries of the district.
Leaders informed, in addition to Sylhet, the strike will continue in Sunamganj, Habiganj and Moulvi Bazar districts.
It is learnt, the Ministry of Mineral Resources banned the lifting of boulders from the quarries of Sylhet after the ravages of the environment and the indiscriminate loss of wildlife.
In protest against the decision, transport businessmen and labourers fell in crisis and they start a movement demanding reopening of the stone quarries.