3-day ‘Education Fair’ begins at Oxford Int’l School


City Desk :
A three-day ‘Education Fair’ began at the Oxford International School (OIS) in the city from Friday with huge enthusiasm. The OIS, a leading English medium school of the country, has arranged the fair on its Dhanmondi main campus on the occasion of the completion of its 25 years.
On the occasion, the school authorities are organizing different events that include career counseling, ‘help in selecting subjects’, talent hunt show, health checkup, quiz and gaming competitions, parents show and 3D film show. On the first day of the fair, a competition titled “Hidden Talent Hunt” was held in the auditorium of the school.
The students of the school joined the competition by performing dance and music and participating in debate, painting, recitation and acting.
Vocalist of “Prometheus” band group Biplob and renowned dancer Sohel Rahman were the judges of the competition. A number of booths for spot admission in the world’s reputed universities in the USA, the UK and Malaysia have been opened in the fair.
