3 children of a family drown in Tangail

A Correspondent :
Three children drowned in Beelchaora village of Bhuapur Upazila under Tangail on Thursday evening. They are identified as Sadia 4 and Atiya 3 daughters of MotalebHossain and Moriam 4 daughter of RaishUddin younger of MotalebHossain.
Dr. Zahiduzaman MO of Bhuapur Upazila hospital said that the three were playing by the side of their yard. They rolled down in to the pond owned by one Hazrat Ali. Local people saw them floating on the water.
They have been rescued and rushed to the hospital and the attending doctors declared them dead.
MO added that they died before they have been taken to hospital. The bodies have been handed over to their families. The incident brought wailing to the village.