3 Baul singers hacked in Chuadanga


UNB, Chuadanga :Three Baul singers, including two female ones, were hacked by miscreants at a Baul haunt of Ekotarpur villagein Jibannagar upazila early Sunday.The injured were identified as Rashida Begum, 60, Abdur Rahim, 65, and his wife Bulu Begum, 50.The Baul are a group of mystic minstrels from Bengal which includes Indian State of West Bengal and the country of Bangladesh. Talking to reporters, Baul preceptor Mukul Hossain said a group of 8-10 masked miscreants swooped on a group of Baul singers and their fans at the Baul astana (abode) in the village around 12:30 am when they were asleep.The attackers chopped the sleeping Baul singers with sharp weapons indiscriminately, leaving the trio injured.Hearing victims’ screams, locals rushed in and rescued them. However, the attackers managed to flee the scene.The injured were first taken to Sadar Hospital and later shifted to Rajshahi Medical College Hospital (RMCH) as their condition deteriorated. Chuadanga Baul Singers’ Association organising secretary Fakir Rana Masud said they will go on a tough movement if the attackers are not arrested within 24 hours.Contacted, officer-in-charge of Jibannagar Police Station Mohammad Ali said they have launched a drive to arrest the culprits.
