3 alleged bomb throwers held in city

DB police detained three persons on Friday suspecting their involvement in hurling petrol bomb at a bus on Dhaka-Mawa Highway. They were arrested from Keraniganj.
DB police detained three persons on Friday suspecting their involvement in hurling petrol bomb at a bus on Dhaka-Mawa Highway. They were arrested from Keraniganj.
Staff Reporter :
The Detective Branch (DB) of police arrested three persons from the Keraniganj area on early Friday suspecting their involvement in hurling a petrol bomb on a bus on the Dhaka-Mawa highway on January 20.
The detainees have been identified as Mohammad Fazal Mia alias Sazal,22, Khairul Islam,26 and Shawkat Islam,24.
Habibur Rahman, Superintendent of Police of the Dhaka district said that they had been arrested from Noadda village at Rajendrapur Bazar under Keraniganj Upazila at 2:15am.
The accused have confessed their direct involvement in the bomb blast, he says.
After incident, Keraniganj Thana (South) Sub-Inspector Sohrab Hossain filed a case against 30 people.