2nd LNG ship arrives in Moheshkhali terminal

UNB, Dhaka :
The second LNG ship containing 140,000 cubic meter (cm) gas has arrived in the country and started gas supply to the national gas network. The ship will meet 10-day supply, said the officials.
According to official sources at the state-owned Rupantarita Prakritik Gas Company Limited (RPGCL), the new ship arrived in the country on Sunday and reached Mohedkhali LNG terminal (FSRU) on the same day.
“The LNG ship came here from Qatar as per schedule and reached the floating storage and re-gasification (FSRU) at Moheshkhali”, M Quamruzzaman, managing director of RPGCL, told UNB on Tuesday.
RPGCL has been responsible to import of LNG and supply it to national gas network after re-gasification at the FSRU, set up by Exelerate Energy, a US company.