2nd Inter-University Badminton Tournament begins today


The PRAN Karako second Inter-University Badminton Tournament titled “East-West University Winter Smash” begins today (Thursday) at East West University (EWU) campus in the city.
Thirty-two public and private universities will participate in the eight-day meet, sponsored by PRAN Karako.
In this regards a press conference was held on Wednesday at PRAN-RFL Center to give all the details of the meet.
General Manager (operation) of PRAN Foods Ltd M Ali Hasan Alam said, “We have been involved with the tournament for the second time to make badminton more popular in Bangladesh. The main aim of PRAN Karako is to work with country’s young generation and help them flourishing their talents.”
Razibul Islam Lanin, brand manager of PRAN Foods Ltd, ASM Ashif, assistant professor of East West University & moderator of the university’s sports club and Ayaz Al Amin, referee of Bangladesh Badminton Federation, were present, among others, on the occasion.
