27pc work on Dohazari-Cox’s Bazar Rly Project completed

A Correspondent :
Around 27 percent work of Dohazari-Cox’s Bazar Railway Project has been completed as the implementation process gained pace after the project got land form the Department of Forest, railway authorities said.
The work of the project, which is being monitored directly by the Prime Minister’s Office, is scheduled to be finished by 2022, but officials concerned hope that the project will be completed before the deadline.Sources said when the project was approved in 2010 it featured the expanding of the railway from Dohazari to Gundum of Myanmar border via Cox’s Bazar.
But due to some problems, several changes were brought to the project in 2016 keeping only the Dohazari-Cox’s Bazar part in the project and revising the completion deadline to 2018.But the construction was stuck as the authorities could not manage land in reserved forest area. Later, the proposal was sent again to the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change in August, 2017 and March, 2018.
A few months ago, the railway authorities got land from the Department of Forest. The total land includes 165.11 acres in Cox’s Bazar and 42.4 acres in Chattogram in reserved forest area.Chattogram-Cox’s Bazar-Ghumdhum Railway Project Director Md Mofizur Rahman said, “Under this project various development programs are going on. We have already received land from the Department of Forest.”
He said around 27 percent work of the project was done until July this year.”Various work of the project including railway construction is now visible to all. Although we got land from the Department of Forest but yet we don’t have permission to cut tree,” he added.
Sources said there will be a junction at Ramu on Chattogram-Dohazari-Ramu-Cox’s Bazar line. A line will be built from Ramu junction to Cox’s Bazar sea beach area while another line will to up to Ghumdhum beside Myanmar. “The beach station will be made in a huge oyster shape. Inside that there will be a platform, passenger on-the-go and sitting lounge,” a source said.
Officials concerned said Chattogram-Cox’s Bazar-Ghumdhum railway will contribute to the country’s economy and create many opportunities. “With the completion of this project, our tourism city Cox’s Bazar will be under railway network and it will expand the tourism industry as well as other businesses,” one of the officials said.