26 AL men in Feni sent to jail

36 arms recovered, 3 microbuses seized

Feni Correspondent :Twenty six activists of Awami League (AL), arrested by RAB-7, Feni on Saturday night, were sent to jail on Sunday afternoon.The judge of a local court Alamgir Mohammad Farooq passed the order after a hearing in presence of the accused in connection with possessing illegal arms.Earlier, the RAB produced them before the court of Alamgir Mohammad Farooq.The RAB-7, Feni in a raid detained the 26 followers of Awami League lawmaker Nizam Uddin Hazari on Saturday night, said Rezaul Haque, Superintendent of Police (SP) of the district. The elite force seized at least 36 arms from a motorcade of Hazari, MP of Feni-2, on the Feni-Sonagazi road in Lalpur area under Sadar upazila at night.Of the seizure arms, five were foreign-made shot-gun, one foreign made SBBL, five foreign-made pistols, four LGs, 16 choppers, and two Chinese axes.They also seized three microbuses during the raid while two more microbuses fled when they were signaled to stop by RAB, he said.The MP Hazari’s followers put up barricades for two hours on Dhaka-Chittagong and Feni-Noakhali highways and Feni-Sonagazi road protesting against the arrest of the party activists on Saturday night, the SP added.
The agitated activists vandalised at least 40 vehicles during the demonstration, said the police official.
The RAB filed a case with the Sadar Police Station in this connection, said Lt Col Miftah Uddin Ahmed, Commanding Officer of RAB-7.
The RAB officials said that a team of the elite force led by camp commander Major Muzammel Haque conducted the drive following information while Hazari’s supporters were returning to Feni by five microbuses after joining a protest rally at Sonagazi Bazar over Upazila Juba League leader Azizul Haque’s murder.
The elite force intercepted the convoy and found five foreign-made shotguns, a gun, five pistols, four locally-made light guns, 133 bullets, six machetes and two Chinese axes inside the vehicles.
They also detained 26 activists along the weapons at Lalpur under Sadar Police Station.
Feni’s Deputy Commissioner Humayun Kabir Khandkar said that two platoons of Border Guard Bangladesh have been deployed immediately on Dhaka-Chittagong highway to control the situation.
Around 10:00pm, BGB personnel were deployed on town streets to meet the emergency, the DC said.
Niazam Hazari claimed to the media that no arms were seized from his motorcade.
Meanwhile, at the rally followers of Nizam, also Feni Awami League secretary, accused Rahim Ullah, independent lawmaker of Feni-3, for the killing and demanded his arrest.
They also burnt the effigy of Rahim at the rally.
Feni district unit Jubo League Convener Didarul Kabir Ratan placed the same demand at a press briefing in the district town at noon on Sunday.
He also demanded withdrawal of Sonagazi Model Police Station OC Nabir Hossain for not arresting the alleged killers.
On June 2, Jubo League leader Azizul Hoque was gunned down in an internal clash between the two groups.