258m living outside their countries of birth: IPU

UNB, Dhaka :
Nearly 258 million people-about 3.4 percent of the world’s population-are living outside their countries of birth, says Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU).
In 2016, UN members determined that the existing global migration regime offered insufficient protection of the human and socio economic rights of migrants and refugees and called for two global compacts to strengthen them-the ‘Global Compact’ for the safe, orderly and regular migration and the ‘Global Compact’ on refugees.
Meeting at the 138th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly in Geneva on March 24-28, more than 740 MPs, including 65 Speakers of Parliament and 216 women parliamentarians, will ensure that the interests of the 6.5 billion people they represent are part of the global negotiations on the new migration regime.
MPs will look in details at their contributions towards ensuring domestic enforcement of the two related Global Compacts expected to be adopted by the UN community later this year. The IPU Assembly will also run two workshops defining concrete parliamentary actions on refugee protection and
comprehensive refugee responses, according to an IPU message UNB received from Geneva. Besides, the Assembly will feature a high-level interactive panel on March 25 with Director General of the International Organization for MigrationWilliam Lacy Swing, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein and UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi. This group of global leaders will provide their insights in the current plight of migrants and refugees, and their vision for addressing this humanitarian challenge over the next decade.
Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) remains a core subject at IPU Assemblies.
During the 138th IPU Assembly, Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO) Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus will deliver a keynote speech engaging global leaders on the need to promote universal health coverage. The IPU and WHO will also run a joint workshop on accountability and oversight of adolescent health. There will be a special segment with Director General of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Ahmet Uzumcu and Ambassador NobushigeTakamizawa of Japan, President of the Arms Trade Treaty Conference.
During the five-day IPU Assembly, the IPU members will adopt a resolution on sustaining peace as a vehicle for achieving sustainable development. This resolution affirms the link between effective implementation of the SDGs and conflict prevention and sustaining peace. At the heart of this debate is the need to build strong and effective institutions, such as parliaments. A second resolution will be adopted on engaging the private sector in implementing the SDGs, especially on renewable energy.
This resolution is expected to call upon parliaments to facilitate private investment in sustainable development, especially renewable energy, by setting up public-private finance mechanisms, fostering a business climate conducive to research and development investment and to creating legal incentives to attract private-sector investors.