25,000 Saudi expatriates need to get visa again


Staff Reporter :
About 25,000 Saudi expatriates staying in Bangladesh will have to re-apply for visas, said Foreign Minister Dr. AK Abdul Momen. Those who have job in the country but whose visa expires after coming to the country at the time of coronavirus will have to return to the country again with the visa.
On Wednesday, Foreign Minister Dr. AK Abdul Momen along with Expatriate Welfare Minister Imran Ahmed sat in a meeting with representatives of six countries in the Gulf region and Malaysia on expatriate and labor issues.
After the meeting, Foreign Minister Abdul Momen told reporters that those whose visas had expired but who had jobs there would have to renew their visas. The Saudi authorities have informed us that they will issue a new visa.
Those who took a visa last March, could not go after that but those who have a sponsor (employer) will also have to take a visa. About 25,000 expatriates will have to get new visas, the foreign minister said.
He also claimed that the talks with the representatives of the countries have been fruitful.
However, the foreign minister said there was “nothing to do” about those whose visas had expired and whose employers would no longer employ them. He mentioned the number of such workers as 53 so far and suggested them for alternative employers or any job in the country.
The minister also advised for taking help from the fund of Tk 700 crore announced by the Prime Minister.
