2500 farmers sued for non-payment of agri loans

BSS, Khulna :
A total of 2500 farmers of nine upazilas of the district were sued on charges of non-payment of outstanding loans amounting to Tk 56.97 crore.
Authorities of the 10 state-owned banks of Khulna have filed the certificate cases against the farmers last month.
The District Agriculture Loan Committee has asked Officers-in-Charge of all the upazila police stations to take necessary actions against the defaulters after receiving warrants already sent from the certificate court.
The state-owned banks which gave agriculture loans to farmers of nine upazilas of the district are Krishi Bank, Sonali Bank, Janata Bank, Agrani Bank, Rupali Bank, BRDB Karma Shangsthan Bank, Shilpa Bank, Land Mortgage Bank and Cooperative Bank.
Deputy General Manager of Khulna Regional Branch of Krishi Bank Sharif Iqbal Hamid said that farmers could not repay their loans due to manifold problems, including political unrest, dull market in frozen shrimp export trade, recent fall in production in jute mills and lack of fair price of Aman and Boro paddy.