Trafficking to India: 25 rescued in Satkhira


UNB, Satkhira :
Members of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) rescued 25 people from Taluigachha border point in Sadar upazila while they were being trafficked to India early Thursday.
Subedar Kabir Ahmed, commanding officer of Taluigachha BGB camp, said acting on a tip-off that some Bangladeshis were being sent to India through the border point, a BGB petrol team conducted a drive in sub-pillar-3 of the main pillar-12 and rescued 12 men, nine women and four children.
However, the human traffickers fled the scene
 after sensing the presence of the BGB team.
All the victims hail from different parts of Bagerhat, Khulna, Barguna and Jessore districts.
Later, the rescued were handed over to Sadar Police Station. BGB sources said the traffickers took money from the victims to send them to India promising good jobs there. A case was filed in this connection.
