23,000 expats return, but only 332 in home quarantine

Tanveer Mohsin , Benapole Correspondent :
Some 23,000 Bangladeshis have returned to Jashore district from abroad in the last one month, but 332 only were sent to home quarantine.
However, The District Administration has formed committees to find out returnees and sent a list of the returnees to eight upazilas of the district.
Deputy Commissioner Mohammad Shafiul Arif summoned an emergency meeting at Circuit House in the district town on Saturday evening.
He said that 23,000 people have returned home from foreign countries in the last one month, but 332 only are in home quarantine. They have no information about the others. I do not know where they are.
The District Administration received a list of 23,000 people who were working in the foreign countries.
All are to be in home quarantine, but many of them did not obey the rules. A committee has been formed by the UP chairman and Member for this purpose in every Union Parishad of Jashore district.
Dilip Kumar Roy, a Supervisor of Jessore General Hospital, said patients are being served by their relatives and this can be risk of coronavirus.
Civil Surgeon Dr Abu Shaheen in Jashore said, they have prepared four hundred and fifty beds at different hospitals including district town hospital. Separate
isolation ward ambulance, doctors, nurses have been kept ready to take care of coronavirus patients. Meanwhile manpower have been increased at Benapole Port and immigration check post to check passenger with thermal scanners and hand thermometer, he added.