23 more BD nat’ls to be evacuated from Sana’a

Staff Reporter :
Twenty three more Bangladesh nationals will be evacuated by India from Sana’a, the capital of war-torn Yemen, to African country Djibouti, after Bangladesh and 25 other countries sought India’s assistance, Indian High Commission (IHC) sources said.  
 “Three Bangladesh nationals were evacuated by Air India from Sana’a to Djibouti on Monday and 23 more likely (to be evacuated),” IHC in Dhaka tweeted on Tuesday.
Bangladesh nationals in Sana’a have also been advised to contact Indian Embassy there.
In another tweet, the Indian High Commission said, INS Tarkash, is a Talwar-class frigate constructed for the Indian Navy, would reach port Al Hudaydah, Yemen on Tuesday. “It will assist in evacuation of Bangladesh nationals.”
India has so far received requests from 26 countries, including Bangladesh, in evacuation of their nationals from Yemen, according to the Ministry of External Affairs.
Earlier on Monday, some 60-70 Bangladesh nationals got stuck in Aden city of war-torn Yemen as the fighting has been going on there with rebels surrounding the city.
Bangladesh national Emdadul Hossain told the media that the situation in Yemen was worsening fast.
Emdadul Hossain said, explosion of bombs attacks are heard within two-three kilometers of his residence.
“We get the sound of the bomb blasts. We cannot come out of the house. There has been water crisis. Shops and offices are closed. There is no government administration in Aden,” he said.
He also said, they are in touch with the officials of Bangladesh Embassy in Kuwait. “They (Embassy officials) are informing us that they are finding ways to take us out from here.”
Another Bangladeshi, Zahirul Islam Bulbul, who works in an export-import company in Yemen capital Sana’a said, most of the shops and offices are closed and there is frequent power disruption.
He said that the Saudi air-strikes continued in Yemen. “We are not safe here.”
A Bangladesh team from its mission in Kuwait is now in Djibouti and so far communicated with Bangladesh nationals in two cities — Aden and Sana’a in Yemen, according to an official of the Foreign Ministry here.
Bangladeshis will be taken to Djibouti from Aden by ship and then be brought back home by air while Bangladesh nationals staying in Sana’a will be taken to Djibouti by air.
Some 1500-3000 Bangladesh nationals are living in Yemen, and all of them are not interested to come back home, according to Foreign Ministry here.
Yemen has been witnessing fierce battle between Saudi-led coalition and Shiite rebels, who have battled their way into various cities of Yemen including the former stronghold of President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi who has fled overseas.