220 held in anti-militant drives

Chittagong Bureau :
During the combing operations against the militants and assailants in Chittagong and in the port city on Saturday rounded up 229 persons for alleged allegations on different charges but no one detained on militant related, police sources said.
Out of the detained, there are 11 miscreants relates to Jamaat-shibir, sources added. Additional Police super of Chittagong district police Md. Rezaul Masud told the media that during raid in 16 thanas of the district on Saturday detained 220 persons including 5 Shibir and 6 Jammat activists.
 In this raid 3007 pieces of yaba, 603 liters solai mad (country made wine) and 500 grams of hem were recovered from them. Asstt. Commissioner of CMP Kasemur Rashid also told that 100 persons were detained from metro areas on Friday night including two jamaat and 5 shibir men.