214 Bangladeshis in Thai detention centre


Staff Reporter :A group of 214 Bangladeshi people have been detained in Thailand while they were illegally trying to go to Malaysia via Thailand through sea. Currently, they have been kept at the Immigration Detention Centre of Thailand for interrogation.Meanwhile, Minister (Consular) of Bangladesh embassy in Bangkok Mohummad Ahteshamul Haque has written letters to the home ministry, foreign ministry and 22 deputy commissioners and police supers seeking their cooperation to confirm the identities of the held persons whether they are actually Bangladeshis or not. Letters have also been sent to addresses they have given to the embassy officials.It was mentioned in the letter that the arrested persons are being tortured at the detention centre…they are being given scanty food and water. They have kept in a small room and now passing their days in an inhuman condition. Meanwhile, most of them have fallen sick seriously.The letter also mentioned that these people, both youths and aged ones, were going to Malaysia through brokers. The detained person told the embassy officials that they entered the Thai territorial water in January last after three months sea journey from Bangladesh first by boats, then trawlers and finally ships. Each of them had to pay Tk 1.80 lakh to 2.20 lakh to the brokers as advance.
