Humanitarian crisis feared: 2000 BD nationals stranded in Turkey


UNB, Dhaka :
Around 2000 Bangladesh nationals, mainly regular migrants from Iran, Lebanon and Jordan, got stuck in Turkey as their attempts to illegally enter Europe through Turkey have become difficult.
Bangladesh Ambassador in Ankara M Allama Siddiki fears a humanitarian crisis and slower repatriation of stranded Bangladesh nationals and conveyed the overall situation to the relevant ministries in Dhaka.
The number of Bangladesh nationals from various countries in the Middle East, especially from Iran, Lebanon and Jordan is increasing in Turkey with a hope that they will get entry to Europe illegally, said a PID handout on Tuesday quoting the Bangladesh Embassy in Ankara.
Describing the scenario, the Ambassador said those staying in Turkey illegally and getting released from the detention centers are trying to enter Europe through sea and many of them are embracing death through
such risky attempts. Allama Siddiki said, many of the stranded Bangladesh nationals are loosing everything being allured by active human traffickers in Turkey.
“Recently, a Bangladesh national died in Istanbul,” the Ambassador was quoted as saying in the handout. He also mentioned that illegal entry to Europe is very much risky.
He also said, some of the Bangladesh nationals in Turkey are getting involved in criminal activities through various organised groups. The envoy said Turkey never provides employment legally for those who enter Turkey illegally. As a result, he said, they get involved in less-paid risky jobs which do not help them overcome financial difficulties. Referring to the existing deal between the European Union and Turkey, the Ambassador said it is impossible and meaningless attempts to try and enter Turkey and Europe. The Ambassador urged the Bangladesh nationals to remain aware of the ground reality.
