200 -yr old Jagadhatri Puja starts in Kalaskathi

Barisal Correspondent :
The 3-day celebration of Jagadhatri Puja has startede with enthusiasm and fervour in the Kalaskathi of Bakerganj upazila under Barisal district from Saturday as a major socio-cultural-religious event in the region.
 Goddess Jagadhatri is also known as Karindrasuranisudini, meaning slayer of the Elephant Demon, Maheshwari the Great Goddess, Shaktacharpriya, and Adharabhuta and many more.
The Puja observing in Kalaskathi since more than last 200 years and devoted to Mother-Jagadhatri who is considered and known as another form of Shakti, the supreme mother goddess of the Hindus, informed Tarun Ganguly, president Kalaskathi Kalibari Puja Mandop.
Next to the well known Durga Puja, Jagadhatri Puja is also celebrated with the same fervour and enthusiasm in Kalaskathi, said Chandranath Mukharjee, president Kalaskathi Sarbojanin Puja Mandir.
This year Jagadhatri Puja is observing at nine puja-mandops including 6 personal (Bektigato) and 3 common (Sarbojonin) mandops in Kalaskathi without any patronization from government funds, said Tarun Krmakar, secretary of the Mandir committee said.
Devi Jagadhatri armed with Chakra, Conch, bow and arrow she is decked up with red attires, bright jewels and nagajangopaveeta which is a symbol of Yoga and the Brahman.
The fourhanded goddess Jagadhatri is carried by the lion everywhere, an elephant lies of the feet of the lion. The idol has an old fashioned shaping, i.e. the face cutting is of a longish pattern; it has large eyes spread up to the years and the four hands display conch, discus, shaft, and bow respectively. The snake is her sacred thread, said idol-sculptor Narayan Chandra Paul.
She sits there riding on the lion standing on the Elephant Demon Karindrasura accompanied by Dhak, Dhunuchi nachh and the mild fragrance of Sheuli flower.
It is heard that Zamindar Indranarayan Chowdhury introduced the Jagadhatri Puja in Chandannagar probably dates back earlier than 1750 and King Krishnachandra of Krishnanagore started Jagadhatri Puja in Krishnanagore in 1762.
