200 landless families to get houses in Gafargaon


Arshad Ahmed Asad, Gafargaon, Mymensingh :

A half-baked house is being built for 200 landless and homeless families at Gafargaon Upazila in Mymensingh as a gift from the Prime Minister on the occasion of Mujib Year. The construction of these houses on Government khas land under the Prime minister’s Asylum Project-2 is at the final stage.A list of allotted homeless and landless people has been prepared. It is hoped that the houses will be handed over to the homeless and landless after the inauguration by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on January 23 across the country.
According the upazila Administration, “The right to shelter is a gift from Sheikh Hasina” in order to implement the slogan of Mujib Year’ half-baked houses are being constructed for the 200 homeless and landless families on khas land in different unions of the upazila.”
Ayesha Akter is a wife of late Abul Hasem from Charmaslanda village of this upazila. In the year of marriage, all the lands including their home were washed away by the river Brahmaputra. For almost three and a half decades now, Ayesha Akter’s family has been arguing elsewhere or spending the night on verendah of a government office. Neither her husband nor her son Haron (42) could afford to buy a piece of land to build a house. Everyday Ayesha Akter visits the house under construction for them at kacharipara in Charmaslanda. At this time a happy gleam was playing in her eyes and face.
Wanting to know, she raised her hands to the sky and prayed for Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. She said that children, grand children and great grand-children have spent their lives in the house of the hut. She could not build a house3 due to lack of money. There has been a lot of trouble in the rainy season and winter.
Now I will stay in the house given by the Prime Minister and it will not the difficult for me. Rejaul Karim, Upazila Project Implement Officer, said, 2 decimal of allotted land for house is being built for each family.Construction of each semi-finished house with two rooms including bathroom, verenda is around one lakh seventy one thousand taka.
Construction houses for Charalgi union-16, Saltia Union-13, Rawna Union-1 Gafargaon union-7 , Datterbazar Union- 48, Panchbag Union-52, Tangabo union-18, Longair Union-13, Pythol Union-16 are being built.
Upazila Nirbahi Officer Md. Tajul Islam said, the houses are being built for the homeless and landless in a proper way.Construction work is in the final stages.The houses will be handed over to the beneficiaries within the stipulated time.
Gafargaon:Houses are being built for 200 landless and homeless families as a gift from the Prime Minister in the year of Mujib.
