20 pc enrollment of students in tech edn by 2020 targetted: Nahid

DU Correspondent :
Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid on Tuesday said, the government has initiated to fix a target of 20 per cent enrollment of students in the country’s technical education by 2020 to meet the growing demand for job market.
He said, it is very urgent to generate a skilled and required workforce for the country’s industries to convert the existing developing economy into the developed status.
“Currently, over eight per cent students are admitted into the country’s polytechnic institutes, which was
one per cent only in 2009″, the minister said while he was speaking at a seminar as the chief guest.
Skills and Training Enhancement Project (STEP) under the Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) organised the seminar on the occasion of ‘Technical and Vocational Education Week 2014’.
Education Secretary Dr Mohammad Sadiq, Director General of DTE Md Shahjahan Miah, Technical Education Board Chairman Prof Abul Kasem and STEP Director Golam Md Zahirul Alam, among others, were present on the occasion.
The education minister Nahid stressed the need for transforming the traditional education into technical and vocational to produce a skilled workforce in line with the market demand.
He added that the people’s attitude toward the vocational education was changing dramatically. “I strongly believe, the future Bangladesh completely lies with the technical education as the world is moving with technology”, the minister noted.
Nahid said that last year, nearly 983,96 students applied in the country’s technical institutes for admission against 12000 available seats. “We’ve almost 200 polytechnic institutes including state-run 49 institutes across the country”, he added.
 He said, the considerable reflection of the country’s vocational education is visible as the local workforce is replacing, those were dominated by highly-paid foreign employees.
Referring to a report of the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA), the minister said, the number of foreign labourers working in the country’s private sector specially in the ready-made garments (RMG) industry is declining as local manpower started achieving such skills.
“Recently, number of overseas labour force in the RMG sector declined to 12,000 workers that was few years ago 19,000”, the minister said.
Marking the technical education week, the authorities also arranged a day-long job fair at the Institution of Diploma Engineers in the capital where total 54 stalls from various industries and technical education sector participated.