20-party wants Khaleda’s release

Staff Reporter :
BNP Standing Committee member and Chief Coordinator of 20-party alliance Nazrul Islam Khan on Sunday said, the alliance wanst Khaleda Zia freed from jail.
He said this at a protest rally on the Dhaka Reporters’ Unity (DRU) premises demanding Khaleda’s release from jail, marking her second anniversary of imprisonment. The 20-party alliance arranged the programme.
Nazrul further said, “We’ll surely take the process and path through which it will be possible to ensure Khaleda Zia’s release in the days to come,

and the 20-party alliance will be involved in that process.”
He said that their alliance will also work out programmes to mount pressure on the government to free the BNP chairperson.
“All efforts are underway for the release of our alliance chief Khaleda Zia. We’ve tried to free her through the legal process,” he said.
“The administration can take steps for her proper treatment, but they’re not doing that. We’re in touch with the government and we’ve also different action programmes to get her freed,” he said.
Nazrul Islam said the government should not deprive sick Khaleda Zia of her rights proper treatment.
“We want to wage a movement through a democratic way to get Khaleda freed from jail,” he observes.
About the recent city polls, he said it had exposed how people are losing interest in voting as the government has destroyed the election system, and people’s confidence in it.
