20-party rejects poura results

Govt, EC's resignation demanded


Staff Reporter :The BNP-led 20-party alliance has rejected the December 30 municipal polls results, saying that the government has snatched away the people’s verdict through another farcical election. Strongly criticising the government and the Election Commission (EC) for staging drama in the name of electing peoples’ representatives’, the alliance demanded their resignation.BNP Acting Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir demanded resignation at a press conference in the BNP Chairperson’s Gulshan office in the city on Thursday. The press meet was arranged to give the 20-party’s formal reaction to the municipal polls results.Earlier on Wednesday night, BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia sat with her party’s senior leaders and the leaders of the 20-party alliance to discuss the polls results and work out their next course of action. The BNP and the alliance leaders decided to reject the election results.Mirza Fakhrul said, “The government’s undemocratic and fascist attitude and the EC’s failure to perform constitutional responsibilities during Wednesday’s polls proved, ‘no credible election is possible under them’. So, 20-party alliance rejects the polls results and demands the resignation of the government and the EC for betraying with the people.He said that the government has set up a rare example by holding a blue print farcical election by its subservient EC, law enforcing agencies and the administration. “The municipal polls were held in the same style the upazila and last three city corporation elections were held earlier. The municipal election will be identified as another stigmatised election in the election history of the country” he said.He, however, did not announce any action programme, saying that they would inform about that later. Asked whether they would reject the results where BNP candidates won, he said, “We turn down the entire election results.”The BNP leader criticised the EC for not paying heed to their repeated demands for deployment of Army.
