20-party calls 36-hr hartal in Ctg from today


Staff Reporter :The 20-party alliance has called for 36 hours dawn to dusk shutdown in Chittagong Division from today (Tuesday) 6:00am till Wednesday 6:00am.Amir Khasru Mahmud Chowdhury, Convener of the 20-party alliance of Chittagong Metropolitan Unit in a written statement announced the programme on Monday.The hartal has been called protesting the confinement of BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia in her Gulshan party office since January 3, arrest of leaders and activists of 20-party in Chittagong and other parts of the country, and filing of cases against them, it says. He said that the government had been trying to foil their democratic movement by arresting their leaders and activists. Amir Khasru, also President of Chittagong Metropolitan Unit BNP, called upon the government to release all arrested leaders and activists shortly.
