2 youths held over torturing housewife in Magura

UNB, Magura :
Police arrested two young men on charge of beating up a housewife over a trifling matter at Kukona village in sadar upazila on Friday afternoon.
The arrestees were identified as Ashim Kumar and Sujan Kumar, residents of Kukona village.
Police said one of the goats of Malati Rani, a resident of the village, entered a jute field of her neighbour and ate some jute leaves.
Following this, Ashim and Sujan locked into an altercation with Malati.
At one stage, the duo tied Malati with a tree and beat up her mercilessly, leaving her injured.
On information, a team of police from Magura Sadar Police Station rushed in and arrested Ashim and Sujan.
A case was filed with Magura Sadar Police Station in this connection.
Later, the two young men were produced before a court on Saturday morning.
