2 youths hacked in city

Staff Reporter :
Two youths were hacked by unidentified miscreants in the capital’s Adabar area on Tuesday.
They were identified as Saimon, 25, and Md Shahid, 26, police said.
The injured men were admitted to the Dhaka Medical College and Hospital (DMCH) in a critical condition, said hospital Police Outpost ASI Sentu Chandra Das.
Quoting the victims, Sentu Das said the some three to four persons, riding on two separate motorbikes, took them on the road from their residence at Road No. 7, Mansurabad Housing area and chopped them indiscriminately,
leaving them injured seriously.
The incident might be caused over political rivalry, the police official said.
A general diary had been filed with the Adabor Police Station in this regard, he added.