2 youths awarded life-term for raping in Mollahat


Bagerhat Correspondent :
S M Saiful Islam, judge of Anti Women And Children Repression Tribunal-1 of Bagerhat, in a judgment, delivered on Sunday, convicted 2 youths and sentenced them to suffer rigorous imprisonment for life and to pay a fine of Tk.1 lakh each, in default to suffer another rigorous imprisonment for one year more on the charge of committing rape on a teen aged girl (15), recorded the obscene in video and spread the same in social medias.
Besides this, the learned judged also convicted and sentenced them to suffer rigorous imprisonment for 7 years and to pay a fine of Tk.1 lakh each u/s 8(6) of Pornography Act of 2012. The convicted persons are Abdur Rahim Molla (23), son of one Mohsin Molla and Zahidul Shikdar (22), son of one Abu Bakar Shikdar of village Baragawla under Mollahat Upazila in Bagerhat district. At the time of the judgment the convicted persons were present in the tribunal.
The prosecution story, in short, is that in the afternoon (at about 3 pm) of June 23 in the year 2017 the convicted persons entered the bed room of a girl (15) of the same village taking the opportunity of the absence of other inmates, committed gang rape on her forcibly, recorded the obscene in a video camera and spread the same through the social medias. After a few weeks when it created a sensation in the localities the victim girl lodged a case with Mollahat PS against the rapists on September 6 as the plaintiff.
