2 years of BSL’s attack at JU , BSU stages demo


JU Correspondent :

Jahangirnagar University (JU) unit of Bangladesh Students’ Union organised a demonstration on Friday marking the two years of Bangladesh Students ‘League activists’ attack on the anti-VC protesters.
On this day 2019, a number of 300 activists of university unit BCL allegedly attacked at least 25 protesters including 8 teachers and 4 journalists in front of JU VC’s residence. The protesters were demanding removal of JU-VC Prof Farzana Islam on allegations of corruption in university’s further development project of Tk 1400cr .
The demonstration procession started at around 4:30 pm from the Shahid Minar premises aiming to hold a shorty rally in front of VC’s residence. Barred by JU proctorial team led by university’s acting Proctor ASM Firoz UL Hasan the demonstrators ended the demonstration at the old transport yard with a short rally. JU unit Socialist Students’ Front and Film Movement Bangladesh expressed solidarity in the demonstration.
Adressing the rally, JU BCU President Rakibul Rony said, the Chatra league activists attacked on the protesters with th instigation of the teachers on 5th November , 2019. We can’t expect justice from the VC, who thanked attackers for thrashing . Evem UGC didn’t take any punitive measure against the VC despite of having evidences of corruption.
The demonstratiors warned to hold tougher program if the university authorities don’t revise the masterplan of further development project.
