2 UN peacekeepers killed in attack in northern Mali


BBC Online :
Two UN peacekeepers have been killed and seven others were injured in a suicide attack on a UN patrol base in northern Mali.
A pick-up truck laden with explosives drove into the UN camp in Ber, 50km (30 miles) east of Timbuktu, on Saturday.
A suicide attacker was among the dead, which included two soldiers from Burkina Faso serving with the UN.
It is not yet clear who was behind the attack, which has been condemned by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
France intervened militarily in Mali last year in a bid to drive out Islamists who had taken advantage of an uprising by Tuareg rebels in the north of the country.
‘No checkpoint’
The attack took place at 11:30 GMT, the UN Multidimensional Stabilisation Mission in Mali (Minusma) said.
One eyewitness, who saw the aftermath of the blast, said Burkinabe troops had set up camp in Ber after the town was taken over by rebels last month.
