2 students drown in CU fountain


 CU Correspondent :

Two students of Chittagong University drowned while taking bath in a waterfall in the university area on Tuesday.
The deceased were identified as Asaduzzaman Rifat and Naimul Hasan, both are first-year students of Human Resources Management Department of CU.
CU Proctor Anwar Hossain said the tragic incident happened at around 2.30pm when a group of seven students including the victims went to bathe in the fountain after appearing in their semester final examinations.
“After taking bath in the fountain the students were returning but the victims slipped into water and drowned”, said Abu Jafar, acting leader of Fire Service and Civil Defence, Hathazari station. Later, Fire Service and Civil Defence recovered the bodies of the students around 5.30pm. The death of the students cast a pall of gloom in the campus. So far four students were killed in three separate incidents in the fountain located behind the Arts Faculty Building in the picturesque CU campus.
