2 social projects to get grants from Queen’s prog


Two social development projects of Bangladesh Youth Enterprise Advice and Helpcenter and ActionAid Bangladesh have been selected to receive grants from the Queen’s Young Leaders Programme to deliver life changing work for young people across the country.
The funding will enable the two organisations to provide innovative youth led opportunities for young people to learn new skills, secure employment and go on to make lasting change to their own lives and the lives of others in their communities, said a press release of the organisation.
Bangladesh Youth Enterprise Advice and Helpcenter will work to support underprivileged young entrepreneurs through training and mentoring to go on and build sustainable businesses.
ActionAid Bangladesh will support young women and girls to become more involved with their local communities through training and education. Organisations in Jamaica, Bangladesh, Zambia, UK, and Solomon Islands were invited by the Queen’s Young Leaders Programme to apply for a Queen’s Young Leaders grant following a rigorous assessment process.
