2 Rohingyas held at HSIA


Staff Reporter :
Two Rohingya women were detained while attempting to board a flight of Kuwait Airlines from Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport early Saturday.
Accused Jobeda Khatun, 63, and Jamila Begum, 58 were apprehended by Special Branch (SB) around 2:40am, said Ismail Hossain, Additional Superintendent of Police (Immigration).
They were trying to board a flight of Kuwait Airlines in order to go to Saudi Arabia, he said quoting the detainees.
Jamila and Jobeda mentioned in their passports that they hailed from Chattogram city and Narayanganj respectively, saying that passports were issued last year.
But in reality, both are from the Refugee camp of Cox’s Bazar’s Kutupalong area and they revealed it during primary interrogation, the Deteactive official said.
After the duo collected boarding passes, the SB officials detained them following their suspicious activities, said the SI. During interrogation, they admitted that they were from Rohingya community.
A case was filed with the Airport Police Station, he added.
