Modi, states agree: 2 more weeks COVID-19 lockdown in India

NDTV, New Delhi :
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who held a four-hour meet with at least 13 chief ministers on video conference on Saturday, has indicated that the lockdown amid the COVID-19 pandemic would be extended by two weeks after considering the requests of the chief ministers, who preferred a longer containment period. The lockdown was scheduled to end on Tuesday. PM Modi also marked a shift in tackling the pandemic, from saving lives to saving both lives and the economy. Three weeks ago, while announcing the lockdown, PM Modi had said,
“Jaan hai toh jahaan hai (the world exists if life exists).” Towards the end of the meeting on Saturday, however, he stressed on “Jaan bhi jahaan bhi (both life and economy are important)” as the lockdown has put severe stress on businesses. Sources say, after the prime minister’s “jaan bhi jahaan bhi” comment, the council of ministers has been asked to resume work in ministries from Monday.
“PM has taken correct decision to extend lockdown. Today, India’s position is better than many developed countries because we started lockdown early. If it is stopped now, all gains would be lost. To consolidate, it is imp to extend it,” Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal tweeted minutes after the meeting.