2 millions pray at Arafat

Staff Reporter :
Chanting “Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik (Here I am, O Lord here I am!) around two million pilgrims entered the plain of Arafat on Thursday morning to cry and supplicate for the atonement of their sins and hoped for the acceptance of their Hajj pilgrimage.
All eyes were watery and all lips parched beseeching Almighty Allah to forgive
all their sins, asking favours and bounties from Allah for a disunited and incoherent Ummah.
Standing on Arafat is the climax of Hajj rituals and the pilgrims proceeded to Muzdalifah after sunset to pray the Maghreb and Isha together, stayed the night and move after midnight or early morning to Mina to complete their Hajj rituals including throwing stones at the Jamarat (the three huge pillars symbolizing the devil), slaughtering their sacrificial animals, shaved their heads, changed into plain clothes and went to the Grand Mosque for Tawaf Al-Ifadah (Tawaf of Hajj) and sa’i, the remaining two pillars of Hajj.
The pilgrims started arriving in Arafat plain on buses, on foot or by Mashaer train from Mina where they stayed Wednesday following the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), according to the Saudi Gazette.
Sheikh Saad Bin Nasser Al-Shithri, member of the Council of Senior Scholars and advisers at the Royal Court, delivered the Arafat sermon. He then led the prayers at the Nimrah Mosque.
Retracting the noble tradition of the Prophet (pbuh), who said “Haj is Arafat”, pilgrims performed noon (Dhuhr) and evening (Asr) prayers, shortened and joined together, at the time of Dhuhr with one adhan and two iqamas, and then immersed in prayers seeking forgiveness and mercy of Almighty Allah as well as praying for the welfare of the Muslim Ummah and for the world peace.
In his sermon, Sheikh Al-Shithri urged the pilgrims to be pious and fear God in all walks of life. “Hold fast to the rope of Allah and stay away from what He has forbidden, and this is essential for winning the pleasure and love of God and thus achieving success in the life of this world and the Hereafter.”
Sheikh Al-Shithri called on the pilgrims to shun all forms of sectarianism and division among members of the Islamic Ummah. He also underscored the need to honor the dignity of all human beings. Those who offered prayer at Nimrah Mosque included Prince Khaled Al-Faisal, emir of Makkah, advisor to Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and chairman of the Central Hajj Committee, and Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Asheikh.
The Arafat sermon resembled the famous farewell sermon of the Prophet (pbuh) when he performed his only Haj. After the sermon, the Prophet (pbuh) stationed himself by the side of a hill called Jabal Al-Rahma (Mount of Mercy) and prayed until sunset.
The standing at Arafat, one of the four pillars of Hajj, began after noon prayers. Pilgrims engaged in prayers and supplication until after sunset. The Prophet (pbuh) said about the Arafat day: “There is no day on which Allah frees more people from the Hell than the Day of Arafat.” Muslims across the world also observed fast on Thursday in a sign of solidarity with the pilgrims. It is a great Sunnah for those who do not perform Haj to observe fasting on Arafat day.
The pilgrims spent the day in duaa (supplication), praying, and reciting the Qur’an. The pilgrims have been accommodated in fire-resisting tents but some of them preferred to spend the day on the top of Jabal Al-Rahma.
Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Asheikh warned the pilgrims not to leave Arafat before sunset and said those who opt to leave before the sun is down would not have any Hajj. The gates of Arafat are closed and heavily guarded so that no pilgrim may leave for Muzdalifah before the sunset.
The journey from Mina to Arafat went smooth with no untoward incident. The pilgrims made the journey either by shuttle buses, walking or using the Mashaer train which transports about 72,000 pilgrims an hour. Minister of Interior and Chairman of the Supreme Haj Committee Prince Abdul Aziz Bin Saud Bin Naif and Makkah Emir Prince Khaled Al-Faisal closely followed the ascendance of pilgrims on the plains of Arafat.
Maj. Gen. Khaled Al-Dhabeeb, assistant commander of the Haj Security Forces for Traffic Affairs, said the pilgrims’ movement started by 8 a.m. and ended by 12 noon. The sky was partly cloudy in Makkah and the holy sites for a few hours on Thursday. The maximum temperature at Arafat reached 41 degree Celsius while it is 39 in Mina and Muzdalifah.
The Ministry of Health established four hospitals and 46 heath centres in Arafat to extend medical services to the guests of God.
The ministry further said the hospitals and health centers have been provided with about 5,000 beds to admit pilgrims who may need confinement including 500 beds in the intensive care units, 550 in the emergency wards, 72 beds for secluding patients with contagious diseases and 87 morgues where the bodies of the dead pilgrims will be kept in fridges.
The kingdom mobilized all its security, economic and service potentials to provide the pilgrims with the best services that enabled them do their Hajj rites in ease, peace and comfort. According to Prince Khaled Al-Faisal, more than 300,000 military and civil personnel provided the pilgrims with protection during their journey of faith.