2 members of Bangladesh women cricket team test positive for Covid-19

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UNB, Dhaka :

Two members of the Bangladesh women’s cricket team have tested positive for Covid-19, Jalal Yunus, chief of the media department of Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB), confirmed UNB on Monday evening.
The women’s team recently returned home from Zimbabwe after confirming their participation in the next 50-over World Cup, which will be Bangladesh’s maiden World Cup appearance as well.
He, however, did not disclose the names of the players. Both of them have been isolated under the supervision of the physicians.
“They were tested a few times after arriving in Dhaka,” Jalal told UNB. “Every time they returned negative before the latest test. Those who tested positive are isolated, they, along with the other members of the team, gave samples for another test on Monday.
Bangladesh team returned home after the qualifying event, which took place in Zimbabwe recently, was called off abruptly after the surge of the newest variant of Covid-19 Omicron.
