2 kidnappers arrested in Sylhet


Sylhet Correspondent :

Police arrested two kidnapper named Humayun Kabir from the South Kushighat area of Sylhet city on Monday.
The arrested Syed Nadal Alam and Shamim Ahmed also involved in the kidnapping.
Sylhet Metropolitan Police said that, Humayun Kabir of South Kushighat was called by his former known person as ‘a talk.’ Kabir was first taken to Amarkhan in the city, later at Lakkatura Stadium Gate on August 23.
At one stage, Lakkatura demanded a ransom of 50 thousand taka after taking a teal over the tea garden and threatening the knife. The kidnappers gave a number claiming Tk 50,000 to save him by calling a relative of Humayun Kabir’s mobile phone.
After paying 50 thousand taka to the kabir’s relatives without giving police, he was released. Later, Humayun Kabir informed the senior assistant police commissioner of Moglabazar police station Jyotirmoy Sarker. Police became active in arresting the criminals.
Detecting the criminals’ location by using information technology, in the night, on Saturday night, under the leadership of Senior Assistant Police Commissioner Jyotirmoye Nagar of Moglabazar Police Station, Shahpara Police Station raided the area.Syed Nadel Alam and Shamim Ahmed were arrested in the operation.
Metropolitan Additional Deputy police Commissioner Jeddan Al Musa said that the arrestees confessed to the involvement in the interrogation in the interrogation.They have also published names and addresses of others involved in the incident. The operation to arrest them is continuing. Meanwhile, Humayun Kabir filed a case with the Mughalabazar Police Station on the kidnapping.
