2 JMB men get 20 yrs jail in N’ganj


UNB, Narayanganj :
A tribunal here on Monday convicted two members of banned militant outfit Jamaatul Mujahideen Bangladesh
(JMB) and sentenced them to 20 years jail in a case filed under the Explosive Substances Act.
The convicts are Saiful Islam, 20, son of Kamaluddin and Mahbub, 22, son of Mohammad Hossain of Farajikanda village in Bandar upazila.The court also fined them Tk 20,000 each, in default, to suffer six months more rigorous imprisonment.
According to the prosecution, members of Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) arrested Saiful from Tangail district on January 7, 2007. Following the confessional statement of Saiful, the elite force members arrested Mahabub from Bandar area of Narayanganj district. They also recovered detonator, 22 hand grenades, jihadi books and some explosive materials from their possession. Later, RAB-11 filed a case with Bandar Police Station under the Explosive Substances Act. After examining the records and witnesses, Additional District and Sessions Judge Kamrunnahar Begum of Special Tribunal Court-7 handed down the verdict.
