2 Japanese nat’ls held with gold at HSIA

Staff Reporter :
Customs Intelligence and Investigation Directorate (CIID) in a raid detained two Japanese nationals with 30 gold bars weighing 12 kg, worth around Tk six crore from Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport (HSIA) in the capital on Thursday.
The detainees are Takeo Mimura, passport No TR3577296, and Shuichi Sato, passport No TS2378822. They came to Bangladesh from Malaysia on flight number AK 71 of Air Asia, said CIID
Director General (DG) Shahidul Islam. “Acting on a tip-off about gold smugglers, we were keeping an watch on the passengers of an Air Asia flight from Malaysia around 12:30am. At one stage, we suspected the two Japanese citizens while they were crossing the Green Channel,” the CIID DG said.
“Our officials stopped them and searched their bodies with metal detectors. We found 30 gold bars wrapped on their bodies,” the customs official said.
He said that, this is the first time any citizen of Japan has been detained in connection with gold smuggling.
A case has been lodged with the Airport Police Station and the detainees have been handed over to police, Shahidul said.