2 Iranians held for trying to snatch Tk 1 lakh from BB

UNB, Dhaka :
Two Iranian citizens were arrested for an audacious but foolhardy attempt to try and steal Tk 1 lakh from a counter of Bangladesh Bank in Motijheel on Wednesday.
They were identified as Karam, 55, and Jalali Nejad Mostafa, 36.
Sources at Bangladesh Bank said the two Iranian citizens entered its cash counter no-35 around 3pm
and attempted to flee snatching away a Tk 1 lakh bundle.
Officers and employees of the central bank were able to apprehend them on their own. Later they were handed over to officers of Motijheel police station.
Contacted, Officer-in-Charge of Motijheel police station Omar Faruk said the two Iranian nationals were handed over to the police station on Wednesday evening.
A case was filed accusing the two foreigners with the police station on Wednesday night and they were sent to Dhaka CMM court on Thursday, the OC said.