2 held with 4 kg ganja in Rampal


Our Correspondent :
Two drug traders were caught in Chaksree Bazar within Baintala Union Parishad under Rampal Upazila in Bagerhat district by the local UP Chairman and some local others in the early hours (at 3 am) of Friday and 4 kg ganja were recovered from their possession. Later, they were handed over to the police of Rampal PS along with the recovered ganja. The arrested drug traders are Mezbah Chowdhuiry (40), son of one Moslem Uddin Chowdhury of village Bastali under Rampal Upazila and Al-Mamun (35), son of one Ilyas Shaikh of village Baintala under the same Upazila. On the following day they were sent to the court after lodging a case with Rampal PS under Narcotic Act, it was confirmed by the Officer-in-charge of the PS.
Md. Fakir Abdullah, UP Chairman of Baintala Union under Rampal Upazila told, at the night after performing an urgent piece of business I was returning home from Chaksree Bazar at 3 pm by a motor cycle and at that time 2 persons crossed me by a motor cycle with full speed. I asked them to stop. But they did not care me. Then 2 other motor cyclists who were going along with me chased and caught them along with the ganja.
